According to the Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, a disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society causing widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Resources available in this sub-theme include guidance on strengthening institutional arrangements, examples of public awareness programs, and others that support disaster risk mitigation and response.
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Disasters Resources
U.S. National Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Information such as the flood forecast level to which a river will rise and when it is likely to reach its peak or crest, is shown through hydrographs. Other information includes, 1) the likelihood of a river exceeding minor, moderate, or major flooding, 2) the likelihood of a river exceeding...Read more
Rainwater Harvesting and Disaster Management
The National Institutes for Water Resources
The cities of Japan responding to natural disasters through rainwater harvesting Japan not among the list.Read more
Tunnel Is a One-Of-A-Kind Solution to Flash Flooding
Xylem, Inc.
An award-winning storm water solution using Xylem instruments and pumps is preventing major floods in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.Read more
Steering Wastewater Away from a River
Xylem, Inc.
In California's high desert country, flash floods damaged a pipeline and sent wastewater into key water source. Xylem pumps are part of the new bypass project that will protect the river.Read more
When Legionnaire's Disease Strikes, City Turns to Xylem for Water Disinfection
Xylem, Inc.
The quick installation of a Xylem ultraviolet system is helping Warstein, Germany combat an outbreak of Legionnaire's disease caused by bacteria in the municipal wastewater treatment plant.Read more
ISIS Flood Risk Management Tool
ISIS, developed by CH2M HILL, provides users with a flexible and cost-effective range of tools to help understand and manage the challenges associated with flood risk. Read more
U.S. Geological Survey
The USGS FEWS NET Data Portal provides access to geo-spatial data, satellite image products, and derived data products in support of FEWS NET monitoring needs throughout the world. This portal is provided by the USGS FEWS NET Project, part of the Early Warning and Environmental Monitoring Program...Read more
Landslide Hazard Assessment and Forecasting System Using Near Real-Time Remote Sensing Information Over SERVIR-Mesoamerica
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
This resource uses NASA satellite precipitation products in near real time with landslide susceptibility mapping for warning of landslides.Read more
SERVIR - Himalaya: The Regional Visualization and Monitoring System
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
This is the homepage for SERVIR - Himalaya, which is intended to strengthen the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) capabilities as an established regional resource center on geospatial information and Earth observation applications for the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH)...Read more
Regional focus:
South East AsiaSouth-North America Visualization of Drought Information
July 1, 2014National Aeronautics and Space Administration
This resource includes state of the art visualizations using remote sensing for the Americas.Read more
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