Training Resources
Welcome to the H2infO Training Page! The resources found within this page have been collected from across the U.S. Water Partnership with the goal of aiding in the education and preparation of H2infO users all over the world working to address unique water challenges.
Training Resources
Drought Response and Recovery Guide for Water Utilities
March 1, 2016U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This interactive, user-friendly guide provides worksheets, best practices, videos and key resources for responding to drought emergencies and building long-term resilience. The guide relays lessons learned from seven small- to medium-sized utilities nationwide that have responded to extreme drought...Read more
Regional focus:
GlobalDrilling Fundamentals for Hydrogeologists
National Groundwater Association
This one-day course is designed to acquaint - or reacquaint - you with various drilling methods, well design , concepts, design calculations, troubleshooting techniques. In addition to the nuts and bolts, health and safety considerations will be addressed, as well as building rapport with other...Read more
Advanced Borehole Geophysics for Water Resources/Water Supply Applications
National Groundwater Association
Discover how geophysical logs can be used to better analyze and assess aquifer properties through quantitative interpretation during this two-day advanced course that builds upon the NGWA introductory-level course on the same subject.Read more
Applications of Groundwater Geochemistry
National Groundwater Association
This two-day course will provide you with the knowledge you need to evaluate contaminant migration and design remediation systems based upon the geochemical parameters of your site.Read more
Crafting Technical Docume nts and Making Effective Presentations
National Groundwater Association
?Learn how to compile technical information from a variety of sources into a coherent document and then communicate the data to a variety of expert and nonexpert audiences during this one-day course.Read more
Combined Remedies: Time to Close this Site
National Groundwater Association
Presently there exists a myriad of in situ treatment technologies available for deployment by remediation professionals in the restoration of groundwater and soil. These technologies include physical, chemical, and biological approaches. In recent years, there has been a shift to integrate or...Read more
Making Groundwater Sustainable
National Groundwater Association
?This NGWA-sponsored workshop will examine how to develop and use groundwater in a sustainable manner to meet the nation’s pressing needs for food and energy while maintaining a healthy environment.Read more
Hydrogeochemical Processes Controlling Metals Remediation of Aquifer Systems
National Groundwater Association
?This two-day course introduces you to the world of environmental forensics, a multidisciplinary field with the goal of understanding how and when contamination occurred. Investigations may involve identifying and apportioning responsibility among multiple parties, age dating releases, or...Read more
Environmental Geochemistry of Metals: Investigation and Remediation
National Groundwater Association
?This three-day short course provides practical information needed to effectively evaluate intrinsic remediation and chemical manipulation of sites contaminated with metals, nonmetals, and radionuclides, which may be found in the soil and groundwater at many mining, industrial, and u?tility sites...Read more
The New MODFLOW Course: Theory and Hands-On Applications
National Groundwater Association
?This four-day course alternates between lectures and hands-on laboratory exercises to introduce you to the modeling process including conceptual model development, numerical model implementation, model calibration, and model predictions. It presents the theory behind MODFLOW-2005 and its related...Read more